Thursday, December 13, 2012

Maxqda 11 Introduced

Simple emoticons of the five temperaments: San...
Simple emoticons of the five temperaments: Sanguine (top right), Choleric (bottom right), Melancholy (bottom left), and Phlegmatic (centre), with the new temperament Supine (top left) and Phlegmatic blends in between. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Exciting!  I just took a look at the new features of Maxqda 11.  It is definitely running neck and neck with what NVvivo is offering, BUT here are two new features that are very different:

1.  A cell phone app!!!  They are right--this is a first for the larger comprehensive qualitative data analysis software packages (There are apps, but not produced by these companies to interface with their products). 

2.  Emoticon coding!!!  I like this idea too.  Just as you can define a color for a coding stripe in some Maxqda lets you assign an emoticon as a quick visual reference for a code. 

Here is a link to the introductory video.  I am going to have to try this out. 

Introduction to Maxqda 11
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